5 exercises for lumbar that you can do at home without material

The lumbar area is the one that supports the weight of the back and keeps the spine straight. For these two reasons it is extremely important to strengthen it. Although there are people who claim that this part of the body is toned when we walk or stand, we consider that it is important to dedicate some exercises to this part of the body. Especially those people who work seated. Below we describe a series of exercises for the lower back that you can do at home, you do not need material and they are very simple.

Lower back exercises you can do at home

So that you can strengthen your lower back and avoid pain in this area of the body, we tell you what exercises for the lower back you can do at home. To do them you don’t need any type of material, but you can use a mat or towel for those that are made on the floor.

1. Gluteal bridge

The glute bridge is a very simple exercise that could help you strengthen your lower back.

To do this you will have to lie on the floor on your back, with your knees bent and your arms stretched out next to your body. From this position, raise your hips , forming a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. Hold in this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position.

We recommend that you include the glute bridge in your exercise routine to strengthen the lower back.

Puente para trabajar zona lumbar

2. Superman or paratrooper

The Superman or parachutist is one of the most typical exercises to work the lower back, although we recommend that you do not force your body. Yes you have to notice that you are working the area, but it does not have to become annoying or painful. If we say this it is because there are people who find this exercise in particular annoying or painful even if it is simple.

To do this exercise you will have to lie on your stomach and with your arms fully stretched forward . From this position, raise your arms and legs . Hold for a few seconds in this position and then recover the initial one.

Superman o paracaidista como ejercicio para lumbares

3. The plane

The plane is one of the simplest lower back exercises you can do. Stand up and place one of your feet a little further back. Of course, think that the one in front will be the one you use as support for the exercise, although later you will have to change. Raise your arms, as if simulating the wings of an airplane, bring your body forward and raise the leg that was further back. To add difficulty to the exercise, you can do rotations with your leg.

Hold for a few seconds like this and then do the same with the opposite leg. This exercise, in addition to helping you strengthen your lower back, will also help you improve balance.

4. Bird dog

The Bird Dog is another simple exercise that can help you strengthen your lower back. To do this you will have to get into a quadruped position and raise one of the two arms at the same time as the opposite leg . That is, the right arm with the left leg and the left arm with the right leg. While doing this exercise you will have to try to maintain balance by contracting the abdomen and lower back.

Bird Dog para fortalecer la zona lumbar

5. Rotary stretch

The last exercise we recommend for your lower back is the rotary stretch . To do this you will have to lie on the ground with your back against the ground again. Make sure your shoulders are flat against the ground and not elevated. From this position, bend your right knee and bring your whole leg to the left , as if you wanted to touch the ground with it passing over the other. It doesn’t need to touch the ground, so if you feel discomfort or pain, don’t force your body. Hold the position for 5-10 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat the same movement with the other leg .


Approximately 80% of people in adulthood suffer pain in the lower back or back. This pain is caused by a sedentary lifestyle and long hours of work in a chair. These pains can make daily life difficult and can reduce the ability to exercise. Well, the best way to reduce these pains and avoid future physical problems is by exercising and strengthening this part of the body that, many times, we have neglected.

Now that you know the best lower back exercises that you can do at home without material, we recommend doing them at the beginning of your sporting activity. This will ensure that this part of the body also works. You can also do them every day before going to sleep if you have not been able to do sports that day and have been sitting for many hours.

To do these exercises you will not need any type of material, but we recommend using a towel or a mat when you have to stretch on the floor to be more comfortable.