4 Tips to protect your long hair in sports

Those women who love their long hair often face some damage caused by different factors. Training every day, hair care routine is sometimes difficult. If you are thinking of cutting it for comfort, but it hurts your soul to do so, hold on a bit! You are in time to save her.

There are many factors that can become a problem in maintaining a long groomed mane. Especially in sports girls, the hair can suffer from frequent washing, by the use of hair bands, dryers or flat irons. If you are willing to undertake an action plan to revitalize and help your hair look flawless, pay attention to the following tips. Although they may seem basic to you, surely you do not put them all into practice.


Tips to protect your long hair in sports

If you have decided to cut your hair because you want a change or because you are one of those who prefers half-mane, go ahead! However, if this is a resource because you feel it is difficult to keep it healthy, you better wait.

1. Don't comb your hair wet

It is a very common habit in many women. Getting out of the shower and running the comb through wet hair can increase hair loss . And is that wet hair is more fragile than dry and we can break it and spoil it. It is recommended to dry it with a light touch (without rubbing!) And apply some detangling serum or mask. Brush it once it has dried. This tip may be complicated if your hair is very curly.

2. Let it air dry

Whether you must wash it frequently for the sport you practice, or if you do it every two days or more, it is advisable that you substitute the use of irons and dryers and let it air dry. Your mane will greatly appreciate it.

3. Choose your hairstyle well

How about you try exchanging braided pigtails for braids? The fact that many opt for braids goes beyond fashion. It's much better to avoid messing up your hair by opting for loose braids . The goal is to make it comfortable for you to train trying to keep your hair from suffering. Similarly, you should consider how to collect your hair when you sleep.

4. Protect it from heat

In the same way that we take care of our skin against sun exposure, the mane must also be protected. Therefore, it begins to use products intended for hair protection. Another option is to put on caps or hats, in addition to pampering your hair, you will go to the last.

Key factor in the care of your long hair

We can give you hundreds of tips to make your hair look pretty. However, there is something essential that you should never overlook and that is food . Eating consciously and healthily is a basic requirement, not only for hair, but also for physical and mental health. Food is the cornerstone of a good quality of life. Remember that the way we care for ourselves on the inside is reflected on the outside.