3 things a cyclist can do to take advantage of their spin class

Sometimes riding a spinning bike in a group setting is highly motivating and social to put your skills to the test inside a gym; however, for those who cycle outdoors it can also be useful.

Joining an indoor cycling class at the gym can help you improve certain aspects of physical fitness and technique in an encouraging environment. Therefore, discover how a cyclist can take advantage of his spinning class.

Beneficios de las clases de spinning para ciclistas

What should a cyclist do to take advantage of spinning classes

1. Choose the correct spin class

Most gyms where spinning services are provided have different classes where you’ll find everything from choreographed workouts and instructor-led classes, to interactive experiences and aerobics practiced on the bike. Therefore, it is important that you know well the class where you are going to enter, in this way you will be sure if it is what you really need for you.

Good advice would be a class that includes dexterity exercises on leg speed, pedal stroke, acceleration / deceleration, and climbing, to name a few.

It is important that the training is complete and not only seek to burn as many calories as possible. This may mean looking for stable routines and not doing random exercises. .

Las mejores clases de spinning para ciclistas

2. Find a good instructor

You must bear in mind that one of the most important aspects in a spinning class is the instructor, since he has the key to motivation and the success of your training. With this in mind, it is advisable to look for classes that have certified instructors or professionals committed to the students.

It is important, for example, that the instructor understands that if you go very hard for four minutes, you cannot sprint right after. But, beyond the training, you have to ask yourself what you are really looking for.

Are you training for something specific? Are you looking to get in good physical shape? First, you should focus on what you really want for yourself and then worry about finding a good workout that gives you what you need.

¿Cómo debe ser un buen instructor de spinning?

3. Use good spinning equipment

The best way to facilitate and make your experience much more satisfactory is by using an adjustable bicycle. For this, there are some studios where they allow cyclists to take their own adjustable bikes, and even their trainers.

If you are attending a group class indoors, you need to make sure that the multiple elements of the bike are adjustable, not just the seat post, so that it can best reproduce the fit of your personal bike.

On the other hand, for those who like to obtain their personal data at the end of each workout, it is best to use smart bikes. The features that these types of bikes have are power meters, integrated bike computers and even Bluetooth accessibility: this way you can download your data to your personal phone.

In addition, you must also take into consideration the state of the work environment, in this case, the gym. You should also take into account that your instructor is able to help you overcome the difficulties that arise during the classes, whether it is a bicycle mismatch or performing the movements with the corresponding technique.

¿Cómo debe ser una buena clase de spinning?


Spinning classes have become one of the most complete exercises, especially for those who want to improve their physical condition or are preparing for new challenges. For this reason, we propose these 3 ideas so that you, as a cycling practitioner, are encouraged to try spinning classes and get the most out of them. d


  • Ward, J. 3 Things You Can Do to Get a Better Spin Class Workout. Pra Bicycling [Revised January 2019].