3 supplements needed if you take birth control

Long-term use of prescription and over-the-counter medications can induce relevant micronutrient deficiencies, which can develop gradually over months or even years. Oral contraceptives are one of the most widely accepted drugs among adolescents and adult women. But beyond its role to prevent pregnancy, what happens in the body?

Despite the large number of drugs currently available, the number of research studies examining possible drug-nutrient interactions is quite limited. Also, unfolding and reading the contraceptive pill insert is any woman’s nightmare. However, it is necessary to take into account that the blockage of nutrient absorption, increased excretion or accelerated metabolism exists when taking these pills for months or years.

Although generalized supplementation is not currently recommended, it is important to ensure that people at risk meet the recommended intake of vitamins and minerals. Along with a healthy diet, dietary supplementation can be a practical and effective way to maintain or improve micronutrient status in people at risk for deficiencies, such as those taking medications that compromise nutritional status.

tableta de anticonceptivos orales

Vitamin B, folic acid and magnesium

A scientific study concluded that taking oral contraceptives recommended vitamin B, folic acid (folate) and magnesium. Certain nutritional deficiencies can have clear symptoms such as mood swings, depression, anxiety, and other non-visible effects.

Lack of vitamin B6 causes effects on the nervous system such as irritability, weakness, dizziness, depression and insomnia by reducing levels of tryptophan, peripheral neuropathy, spasms and anemia. The pill does not directly affect B6 by its level of absorption or distribution, but rather interferes with the metabolism of tryptophan and increases the needs of vitamin B6.

In addition, it also influences vitamin B12 , since the use of contraceptives appears linked to lower levels of this vitamin in plasma. To this must be added that there will be vegetarian and vegan women who start with a deficiency in B12, so supplementation in these cases will be highly recommended.

On the other hand, folic acid (folate or vitamin B9) is essential in women, not only in pregnant women. Some researchers conclude that although there is evidence, there is no evidence of such a high deficiency. Lower levels of folate are shown in women who take the pill, so it is necessary to apply the precautionary principle. Although it is not at all clear that contraceptives negatively affect folate status, it is a micronutrient to take into account. It is common for contraceptive treatment to be interrupted with the intention of seeking pregnancy, and this process requires special folate needs for the development of the fetus.

Magnesium improves insulin production, which facilitates sugar metabolism. It is necessary to take into account the type of contraceptive pill that is taken. Some studies have shown that those with only progestogens could increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.