3 short routines that will allow you to train on busy days

If you are one of those who loves to train and exercise regularly, but the hour and a half that you had before to dedicate to training, has now become 20 minutes, due to the obligations of daily life, today you are in luck.

Learn about the effectiveness of short-duration, high-intensity training and make the most of your workouts with these three routines of no more than 20 minutes , with which you can stay in shape anywhere and with the help of very little material.

rutinas de menos de 20 minutos

Efficacy of a short but intense workout

Based on numerous investigations, we can affirm that intense and short-duration work reaches and even exceeds on many occasions, the benefits caused by a training of a medium-low intensity and prolonged in time. Due to this reason, it is becoming more and more common to see people perform workouts of about 10-20 minutes, applying a high intensity that helps them maintain physical shape and not neglect the practice of exercise.

Rutinas de entrenamiento breves

3 routines to perform in a short time

1. 20 minute conditioning routine

In this routine you will only need the help of a clock to be able to follow the time and a pull-up bar. The exercises are all done with body weight, so you can do the training anywhere.

To run it:

  • Perform a dynamic warm-up for about 3 minutes.
  • Perform the greatest number of rounds of the following circuit for 15 minutes in a row:
    1. 10 push-ups.
    2. 15 squats with your own weight.
    3. Maximum number of Chin ups on the bar.
    4. 50 montaing climbers.
    5. 15 sit-ups.
  • Finish with 2 minutes of cool down.

rutinas de entrenamiento para trabajar en poco tiempo 2. 10 minute workout

This express workout is ideal to do at home or on vacation, as in just 10 minutes it will make you feel completely exhausted. In addition, it will help increase energy consumption hours after running it. For it:

  • Perform a 1-minute dynamic warm-up.
  • Perform as many repetitions as possible of each exercise in two and a half minutes:
    1. Burpees with flexion.
    2. Self-loading strides.
    3. Dominated.
  • Cool down for 2:30 minutes.

Rutinas de entrenamiento cortas y efectivas

3. 20 minute strength training

In this routine it is necessary to use dumbbells, so it is advisable to do it in a weight room if you do not have your own equipment. It is a workout to increase muscle mass and gain strength .

  • Perform a specific warm-up for about 2 minutes.
  • Perform 12 repetitions of each exercise and rest 1 minute between each round, for 4 to 6 rounds of the circuit.
    1. Bench press.
    2. Barbell row.
    3. Military press.
    4. Pull to the chest.
    5. Parallel funds.
    6. Dumbbell lunges.
    7. Press.
    8. Femoral on machine.
    9. Crunches for abdomen.
  • End with a cool down for a couple of minutes.

Rutinas breves e intensas para días ocupados


If you like to train but have little time to devote to your training routines, we advise you to start doing shorter and more intense workouts . Science has proven the effectiveness of this type of routine, so you can continue to maintain your physical condition using less time.


  • Kelso, T. Plan “B” – Short Workouts That Will Save Your Day. For Breaking muscle. (Revised May 2018).