18 ways to use hydrogen peroxide wisely

Hydrogen peroxide has been widely used as a wound cleaner and sterilizer. But which uses are still backed by solid science, and which should you consider obsolete or dangerous?

The truth is that hydrogen peroxide is no longer recommended for wound or skin care because doctors have found that it can cause dangerous complications and can slow healing time, but there are still many ways it can be useful and beneficial .

What is?

Hydrogen peroxide may look old-fashioned in a scruffy white bottle, but it’s definitely not a natural home remedy. He is a household chemist . It is true that it differs from water only by the addition of an additional oxygen molecule. But that extra molecule makes it a powerful oxidant. It’s why hydrogen peroxide is such a versatile cleaner, and it’s also why we should use it with caution on people and pets.

Hydrogen peroxide breaks down quickly and easily when it comes into contact with air or water, so it is considered safer than chlorine chemicals. According to experts, hydrogen peroxide kills yeast, fungi, bacteria, viruses and mold spores.

uses in the kitchen

The kitchen, appliances and utensils can benefit from the use of hydrogen peroxide.

clean the dishwasher

To eliminate mold and mildew in your dishwasher, we can spray the intricate parts of the dishwasher where moisture can linger long after a cycle is complete: in the folds of rubber seals, traps, and utensil basket crevices. .

Dishwashers can harbor fungi, and black yeast, which can be harmful to humans. E. dermatitidis was mainly detected on the rubber seals of the dishwasher. Or if we feel like giving this appliance a comprehensive clean, we’ll use hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and essential oils to make a scented dishwasher “bomb.”

clean the sink

Many home care blogs recommend this kitchen sink cleaning trick: Wet the surface of the sink, then rub it with baking soda sprinkled on a sponge.

When we have scrubbed the entire surface, we will pour 3 percent hydrogen peroxide on the surface and let it rest before rinsing it.

Sanitize countertops and cutting boards

Cleaning countertops with undiluted hydrogen peroxide is effective at killing E. coli and Salmonella bacteria on hard surfaces when allowed to sit on the surface for 10 minutes at room temperature.

A 10-minute soak in 3 percent hydrogen peroxide is also advised to kill germs on wooden cutting boards.

Wash vegetables and extend their shelf life

Organic gardeners recommend using 1/4 cup of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide per gallon of water to help kill bacteria on vegetables. If we are washing delicate-skinned vegetables such as lettuce, we will soak them for 20 minutes and then rinse them.

Carrots, potatoes, and other hard-skinned vegetables can be soaked for 30 minutes before rinsing and drying. Because bacteria can turn vegetables and fruits brown, a hydrogen peroxide bath is thought to keep them fresher longer in the fridge.

scrub kitchen utensils

If your cookie sheets, pots and pans have a brown baked-on coating, it’s recommended to spray them with baking soda, then spraying them with 3 percent hydrogen peroxide will restore them.

We can let them soak for 1-3 hours before we clean up all the kitchen mess.

Get rid of garbage can germs

After washing the trash can with soap and water, we will spray the entire container with a 1:1 solution of hydrogen peroxide and water. We will let the trash can dry in the sun for several hours.

Just as hydrogen peroxide cleans surfaces, it will help remove germs from the trash can.

usos del agua oxigenada

Uses in the bathroom

Although special products are normally used to clean the bathroom, hydrogen peroxide can help with a deeper cleaning.

Deep clean the toilet

Hydrogen peroxide is effective at killing microorganisms, including bacteria, yeast, fungi, viruses, and spores, making it a good choice for cleaning your bathroom.

To clean the toilet, we’ll add 1/2 cup of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide to the toilet to kill germs and shine the surface of the toilet. We must leave it in the container for 20 minutes to obtain the full benefit.

Eliminates mold and mildew

Mold and mildew can quickly build up in the moist environment of a shower stall.

To kill them without having to breathe in the toxic fumes from the bleach, we’ll spray them with undiluted 3 percent hydrogen peroxide and let it sit for 30 minutes. Then we will rinse. The peroxide will kill mold and mildew, but you may need to remove any stains left behind.

Eliminates soap suds

For weekly cleaning of a fiberglass shower and tub, we’ll make a foamy paste with 1 cup of baking soda, 1/4 cup of white vinegar, and a tablespoon or two of hydrogen peroxide. When the bubbles disappear, rub the surface of the shower with the mixture.

If we use pure peroxide, it is recommended to use gloves to protect the skin. Hydrogen peroxide can cause redness and burning.

Uses for laundry

Hydrogen peroxide can be used in other forms of cleaning, such as laundry.

remove stains

Experts recommend hydrogen peroxide as an effective way to remove grass stains, blood stains, and stains from beverages such as fruit, juice, and wine.

We’ll try to rub the cleaner into the back of the fabric to start with and remove the stain without leaving a ring.

Brighten up dull whites

Hydrogen peroxide can also be used if shirts, sheets and towels have turned gray and dirty.

We will make our own oxygen bleach by combining 1/2 cup of baking soda and 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide. We’ll start the cycle, let the washer fill, and soak the clothes for a couple of hours before finishing the cycle to bleach and sanitize.

We’ll rub in a sample first. Before we test hydrogen peroxide on any fabric, we will test a small section out of the way for color fastness. We will take special care with vintage fabrics.

Uses in pets

Most veterinarians no longer recommend using hydrogen peroxide to clean pet wounds, no matter how small the wound is.

Induces vomiting in poisoned dogs

If our pet has eaten something poisonous, the vet may recommend using hydrogen peroxide to make the animal vomit.

Since hydrogen peroxide is dangerous for your pet to ingest, it is essential that we speak with your veterinarian or a poison control center before attempting to induce vomiting with this method.

Clean the litter box

To remove odors and disinfect the cat litter box, we will empty the litter, wash the container with soap and hot water, and then spray well with undiluted peroxide. We’ll let it sit for 15 minutes before rinsing, drying, and re-sanding.

Some aquarium hobbyists use hydrogen peroxide to control algae and clean their tanks, but we’ll talk to a fish vet before putting hydrogen peroxide in the tank. Although hydrogen peroxide degrades rapidly in water, research suggests that some species of ornamental fish, including gourami and suckermouth catfish, cannot tolerate it.

agua oxigenada para blanquear los dientes

Health uses

Experts classify hydrogen peroxide as safe for humans in low doses. But be warned that hydrogen peroxide on the skin can cause irritation, burning and blisters.

If it comes into contact with the eyes, it could cause burns or corneal abrasion. Breathing it in higher concentrations could also cause irritation of the respiratory tract, chest tightness, hoarseness, or difficulty breathing. And swallowing hydrogen peroxide, especially in higher concentrations, can cause vomiting, swelling, or damage to hollow organs.

Sanitize toothbrush and retainer

Toothbrushes can be exposed to fecal coliform and other bacteria in the bathroom. Small amounts of these bacteria do not usually cause health problems, but if we want to be sure, we will soak the toothbrush in hydrogen peroxide.

One study found that rinsing with hydrogen peroxide reduced the bacteria count on toothbrushes by 85 percent.

Sterilize makeup brushes

After washing excess makeup from the brushes with a mild shampoo, soak the bristles for 10 minutes in a bowl of water with a teaspoon of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide.

We can also use it to clean the eyelash curler pads. We will rinse any residue well to protect the eyes.

whiten teeth

A brilliant smile is on just about everyone’s to-do list these days, and the market is awash with products that use hydrogen peroxide to whiten teeth. However, the concentrations vary.

Some products available from dentists may contain 10 percent hydrogen peroxide. These products are effective and safe when used correctly.

lighten hair

Hydrogen peroxide is generally considered safe in commercial hair dyes, although serious chemical burns can occur, even in a professional salon.

Peroxide hair dyes can damage your hair if used too often, so we’ll talk to a trained stylist to come up with a routine that protects your hair and skin.