15 little habits to lose weight that you can easily include

Sometimes the only way to lose weight is to adopt a more than strict diet, when not to beat yourself up in the gym. Fortunately, this is not always the case. Losing weight in a healthy way is achieved through small weight loss habits.

Although fad diets may seem like the easiest way to lose weight, they are likely to fail in the long run. Therefore, we suggest that you introduce these tips in your day-to-day life. With this you will achieve a lasting weight loss and, in general, obtain a healthier life.

1. Pay attention to your portions

On many occasions, we eat two to three times the actual size of the portions we should be eating. It is true that restaurants do not help to measure these quantities, and they make us think that it is an adequate quantity. But we must avoid such large portions of food.

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2. Eat only things with a fork

To avoid snacking, make it a goal to eat only foods with a fork. This will help you eat more slowly. It also affects our feeling of satiety, feeling full with less food.

3. Let’s not forget the water

It is very important that we stay constantly hydrated. Sometimes thirst can be confused with a feeling of hunger , or the need for a soda.


Drinking water throughout the day and avoiding soda or alcoholic beverages can help us a lot in our weight loss.

4. Take time to prepare your food

Not only will making your own lunch help you save money, but it will also ensure that you know exactly what you are eating. It also allows you to maintain order in your meals against unforeseen events due to work or lack of time.

5. Don’t do other things while you eat

Although it seems like a difficult task, we must concentrate on eating. It is a complicated task when there is pending work or we are dedicated to contrasting our social networks. Distraction during a meal can make you lose track of how much food you eat.

6. Love good breakfast

Try to implant in your breakfasts, products rich in protein and fiber, these will help you to stay satiated during the day. Accompany your first meal of the day with some quality dairy and carbohydrates, no pastries or cereals rich in sugars.

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7. Prepare healthy snacks

When we try to lose weight, preparing our healthy snacks can help us avoid those feelings of hunger. The fact of preparing our mid-morning snacks or snacks allows us to set certain amounts, which avoid excess calories.

8. Rest

Although it may not seem like it, resting allows our body to control the production of hormones that interfere with appetite. It also allows us to release the stress that often leads us to massive food consumption.

9. Healthy eating even on weekends

When you are obsessed with eating well from Monday to Friday, when the weekend comes, things get out of hand. Do not forget that weekend meals are not calorie-free, so they can provide more calories than you can burn in the rest of the week.

You must create a healthy lifestyle, which is sustainable throughout the month.

10. Trust smaller plates

If you look at the same amount of food on a small plate as on a large one, your eyes can convince you that there is more on the smaller plate. It can trick the brain into thinking it’s a larger portion than it actually is, while doing the opposite can feed our hunger into thinking we only ate a little.

11. Control family meals

The fact of sitting at a table with people, usually translates into a feast of food dishes. It is good that we try and eat them, but do not allow yourself to go over with the dishes in the center. Think of it as one more addition to the lunch or dinner dishes.

12. Don’t get carried away by the Buffet

In the event that for reasons of time or travel, we are forced to eat or dine at a buffet, we must have more than prevention to what we eat.

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In order to avoid large excesses, take small plates, portions that are not very large, and sit with your back to the buffet. Watching the food display while you eat can make us hungrier than we really are.

13. Fill your plate with vegetables

Not only are vegetables packed with important nutrients that keep our bodies healthy and full of vitality, but they also contain lots of fiber.

If you are not used to eating vegetables, we advise you to introduce them little by little into your diet. If not, you may lose interest in these wonderful foods after a few days.

14. Keep a food diary

It may seem a bit exaggerated, but keeping a food diary allows us to roughly know the caloric intake that we carry out, as well as if there is any food deficit in our diet. In addition, it allows us to carry out a planning that helps us in the purchase and in reducing the expense in unnecessary products.

15. Move a little more every time

Regardless of whether we exercise or not, we have the possibility of going to a gym, we can all introduce small habits into our lives that force us to move. Avoid elevators and escalators, try to go home for a walk, or get off two stops early on public transportation. All these changes can help us feel more active and agile.