12 skills anyone should have

Nobody has a manual where they indicate what are the skills that we must have every day and improve our life; However, there are certain tips that we can incorporate into our day to day, perhaps at first it may be a bit difficult, however, you will see the great benefits of incorporating these 15 skills in our life.

These skills will help you have a better life with yourself and with those around you, and little by little you will feel much better and in harmony with yourself and others.

12 skills everyone should have

1. Accept feedback with respect

It is difficult for most of us to hear from someone else some mistake we have made. An incredible skill that can be learned through practice is to put aside the emotional response in the moment and focus on the information. Some of the information will be valid and some will not, let your brain decide and not your ego.

Depending on what type of information you are receiving, there are different strategies to be able to respond with a cool head. For example, if your boss points out that you made a mistake in a project, just reply that you had not thought about it and that you will review it again.

habilidad de aceptar las críticas

2. Sincerely apologize

To err is human, yet crafting a credible apology is not a universal skill. The apology must be sincere, and you must also have the conviction that the same mistake will not be made again. There is a six-step strategy for successfully saying what you feel:

  1. To act quickly.
  2. Apologize in person.
  3. Explain what happened.
  4. Show how the problem will be avoided in the future.
  5. Apologize.
  6. Make error restitution.

3. Manage your time effectively

Time management skills are a must, if you don’t want to constantly feel tired. Perhaps the most important lesson in time management is that you should stick with one task at a time. Research suggests that multitasking is generally counterproductive because the brain consumes energy and readjusts its focus from one activity to another.

The best thing to do is limit the hours you spend working. Decades ago, Henry Ford discovered that productivity began to decline after employees logged more than 40 hours per week. Other research suggests that after three weeks, the 60-hour workweeks become less productive.

habilidad de gestionar el tiempo con eficacia

4. Use keyboard shortcuts

Since most of the work done today involves computers, having keyboard shortcuts will definitely give you a head start and save you a lot of time. Keep a keyboard combination list near your computer at work and you will see how it will improve your productivity.

5. Say “no” with respect

Many of us are afraid to say “no” because we don’t want other people to feel bad. For example, if at work, you are flooded with many pending things and your partner asks you to help him with some things, saying “yes, of course” might not be the best answer.

Saying no when necessary can save a lot of time, as well as confusion, guilt, attachment, compromises, stress, and other social ills.

The best way to build the confidence to decline an application is to recognize that there are some very important reasons for it, for example, your time with your family or your health. Don’t be afraid to say no when you know you have other responsibilities.

Cómo decir no de manera respetuosa

6. Identify with other people

Psychologists say that empathy is a fundamental part of human interaction. People who lack the ability to empathize and take an interest in other people are often narcissistic.

7. Communicate through body language

Sometimes your body language tells people everything they need to know before you say a word. Experts have highlighted specific body language techniques that can make you more enjoyable. For example, do not touch your face too much, as it gives the impression that you are lying or that you are anxious.

habilidad de la comunicación corporal

8. Make friends in any environment

This skill is really important to develop during young adulthood. One way to make friends is to go to a course that is taught, this way you can meet more people.

9. Stick to a budget

Do not spend more than you earn: many people do not know what happens to their money at the end of the month, yet they do not realize that they are not sticking to a budget.

What you should do is stick to a budget, start saving and be aware that this money does not exist for you now. You can also leave money for an emergency fund. In this way you will be taking care of your money and you will not spend it on unnecessary things.

10. Spending time alone

As an adult, you should be able to get through a full day alone without going crazy from a lack of social interaction. You can make a list of things that you would only like to do on your own, for example visiting a museum, watching movies that only interest you or taking an excursion.

habilidad de pasar tiempo a solas

11. Public speaking

It is important to hone your public speaking skills. The ability to confidently speak to a large mass of people is a skill that must be learned, you can attract the attention of several people at once.

12. Make basic cooking recipes

You must know how to cook at least five dishes, a vegetarian dish, a breakfast dish, some food for a group of people, a dessert and a snack. Try doing this without a cookbook.


  • Shana Lebowitz, 31 Life skills every functioning adult should master. For Businessinsider [Revised June 2016]